Tuesday, April 20, 2010

today is brought to us by the letter...

B.... as in busy! LOL  I know I'm behind (another B) on my alphabet swap, and I do apologize.  I'm gearing up for my church's Women's Retreat, so there is "much to do and less time to do it in" (know the movie?)

I at least have taken the pics, just not enough time to get them cropped and posted.  Most of my computer time right now involves getting song lyrics plugged into PowerPoint.  Hopefully will get all caught up tomorrow!

Friday, April 16, 2010

P is for petals

I have no idea what the name of this plant is, but the flowers make me think of popcorn.  Why?  Because they start off in a hard, red shell, pop out when the weather gets warm, and they smell delicious (but not buttery)!

P also stands for Photo Geek (HI DAD!!! LOL)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

O is for... O!

well, what else would it be?  I heart my dictionary.  I asked for this for Christmas several years... possibly even a decade ago.  Words are awesome!
Find your local linguist or your very own dictionary and hug them/it. :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

N is for New

I'll admit to having some trouble thinking up something "N".  But I thought, since these are new buds, it would work.  :)  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Anyone else dreading the letter "Q"? LOL

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

M is for Moggy

'Cause he'd be mad if I didn't put him as a feature somewhere :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

L is for Lacrosse

I know, I know... Monday is brought to us by the letter "L", and I am posting this on Sunday night.  Whatever :)  Thought I would take a moment while I had it. 

My nephew is a senior this year, and is a captain on his school's lacrosse team.  Now this picture isn't of him, but it's pretty much what you see all throughout the game.  These kids are tough!

Here's my nephew (number 25).  I'm such a proud aunt! :)

K is for ketchup

Before going to my nephew's lacrosse game yesterday, we met my sister and her hubby for lunch.  If you have a Five Guys anywhere near you, and you have not been... go.  They make the BEST hamburgers.  And you get tons of fries, so if it's less than 3 of you going, order a small fry (or regular, I forget which they call it).  If 4 or more then, and only then, order a large.

So, since today is brought to us by the letter "K", what better than to have a picture of that most scrumptious sauce, the king of condiments:
ketchup (BTW- Heinz is the best, hands down).

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Ok, catching up on the alphabet :)

H is for... Hosta (thanks, Mom, for the proofreading!)!

 I is for Ipod (best invention ever)

J is for Joelle (my niece, who had her 4th birthday party tonight)

If you haven't checked out the other ABCers, please do!  They are very creative folks :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

G is for Goal

This is a pic of the front page of the Breast Cancer 3 Day website.  This is my goal, and the goal of every person who walks or volunteers or donates; it's one worthy of attention.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

F is for...

Frappucino (or however you spell it) LOL  It's unseasonably warm here in Penna, like it's still in the 80's and our overnight low is the same as what the daytime high should be.  But I LIKE it :)  So I stopped by Starbucks tonight and got a nice peppermint java chip frap.  It comes highly recommended.

F also stands for frisky kitty.  My cat likes to play in boxes.  I rather like this shot :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

E is for early morning

Ok, so maybe some of you don't consider 7:45 early morning, but it still is according to the Sun :)  I took this shot with my cell phone camera.  There is a gorgeous flowering tree of some sort in bloom by one of the buildings on campus, so I was trying to get the blossoms in the early morning light.  Here's hoping it worked :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

D is for Daffodil

Ahhhhhhh, I love Spring!

From Inside the lens

C is for CAKE!

I took these on Saturday.  I made Bakerella's Red Velvet Cake w/ cream cheese icing as dessert for Easter dinner (and it was oh-so-yummy!).  While I prepared the cake, I had a lot of fun taking different pics.  I promise there are only a few in this post (I mean, I took a LOT).  Red wrecks havoc with my camera, though :-/

From Inside the lens
Pouring the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients.

From Inside the lens
Mmmmmmmmm, cake batter!

From Inside the lens

 The finished product! (grumbles about having to use the flash)

B is for Bird!

There were several of these little fellows in the shrub outside of my kitchen window (driving my cat absolutely crazy, mind you).  Isn't he cute?  So at-the-ready.  He flew away as soon as I took this; guess he wanted his privacy and didn't appreciate the paparazzi invading his afternoon :)

From Inside the lens

Isn't he "tweet"?


And if you don't know the title, go here and Big Bird will explain it all :)

So I have joined with 6 others in doing an ABC pic-a-day for the month of April.  And yes, I'm a little behind in posting.  Give me a break, it started at the end of Holy Week and that's busy enough ;)

And, since it is Holy Week, here is my A picture: A is for Alive

From Inside the lens

1 down, 25 more to go!